
Enseoul represents talents across disciplines, spotlighting practices that redefine boundaries and provoke dialogue, with a focus on emerging and mid-career artists. Rooted in its mission to amplify underrepresented voices, the gallery serves as a platform where diverse artistic visions converge and curates exhibitions that inspire engagement and offer fresh perspectives.


Enseoul supports the Dutch Gallery Fair Practice Code.




De Clercqstraat 17, 1053 AA

Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Gallery hours (by appointment 26, 27 & 30 Mar)

Wednesday to Saturday     11am - 5pm

Sunday to Tuesday             Closed (or by appointment)




General     hello@enseoul.com

Press         press@enseoul.com

Sales         gwen.park@enseoul.com 

Phone        +31 (0)6 12 27 80 62